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Oct 22, 2021

With new stories sitting on the docks, Optimysticals around the world demanded something new, a deep-wash and polish, and surgical teams gathered and delivered the best of two great features transplanted and joined mouth to mouth as a Creature from beyond time itself, "Brock and Dixon's Beach Party that Conquered...

Jun 21, 2021

This is the 90 second meditation included in MentalRadio Chapter 18 - MAGIC - for quick and easy access24 hours a day. 

Jun 21, 2021

Step into a 21st century sideshow, past Abernaki, the Human Caterpillar, and meet the unparalleled "Chitwell, Mental Contortionist," a lunatic and a Magician, who will "bend what you think you know to feast on things impossible." The unexpected happens in less than 10...

Jun 21, 2021

Step into a 21st century sideshow, past Abernaki, the Human Caterpillar, and meet the unparalleled Chitwell, Mental Contortionist, who will bend what you think you know to feast on things impossible.  He's a lunatic and a Magician. Then, Guy Goode gets past the Dreads, only to be attacked by the Wymeez, victims who look...

Mar 9, 2021

This is the 90 second meditation included in Chapter 17 - VANITY - for quick and easy access 24 hours a day.